Ansible tutorial announcement
A new tutorial project for beginners about Ansible
Ivan Elfimov, 2023-07-02, 1m (179 words)

The sudden mdBook trend was the occasion for me to release my old uncompleted project about Ansible - Ansible for Beginners.
Halfway through the transfer from notes to mdBook, as usual, I started to wonder if there are better alternatives. The ideal option for me would be Hugo, because is on it and it suits everything. But not for writing online books. As it turns out, there is simply no good theme other than hugo-book for book writing. And hugo-book doesn’t have the cool features that impressed me in mdBook: page “flipping” and chapter numbering. By “flipping” I mean links to the next page.
I was also ready to look at Zola, but I didn’t find any normal themes there either.
Other options, like mkDocs with mkdocs-material theme or starlight seemed too fancy for the simple purpose of sharing material.
The only thing I missed in mdBook right now is admonitions. But they have a nice alternative, prompted by Rust book - citations.
For now it is in Russian only, but you can still check it out here.
Translations: ru